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Sunday, January 22, 2012

hi guys i moved :)



came at6:05 PM
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Love yourself!

Today during PE, due to an unfortunate turn of events, i somehow landed up in a certain teacher's class, who made us jog, and jog, and jog- to east coast to play soccer- for 3min. before jogging back. I have no idea when was the last time i've jogged that much!

Of course, not everyone could last the whole distance, and people began slacking off and walking behind. So the teacher had to make occasional pit stops. and at every single one of these stops, he'd make a nice long lecture. and there was one thing he kept driving at- Love yourself!

"I want to change your concept! Exercise is good! 1 push up one dollar! why would you stop at 20push up! do extra! earn extra!" Something along those lines, he said, "No pain, no gain!" his main point was that if you love yourself, you will want to 'torture' yourself! because no pain no gain! love yourself enough to be disciplined and train and keep fit! go the extra mile! if we're supposed to do 20 push ups, we do 30! run 5 rounds, we run 6! why? because we love ourselves, and we know that its good for us, albeit torturous now. And though slacking and indulging ourselves may be 'pleasurable' now, its definitely not good at all, not now, not in the future.

You'd probably know what im getting at by now....

[7] ... Rather train yourself for godliness; [8] for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.
(1 Timothy 4:7-8 ESV)

TRAIN YOURSELF IN GODLINESS! while sin, is like indulging yourself, training yourself physically is like training yourself in Godliness! but not quite, in fact, not nearly as quite. you know why? cayse "bodily training is of some value," BUT "godliness is of value in EVERY WAY". lets take a moment to soak that in. cause 2 nights ago when i was reading this, i did. real good. for a real long time.

why is it of value in every way? "for it holds promise for the PRESENT LIFE and ALSO for the LIFE TO COME! Godliness, is of value in every way. its not just beneficial in the long run where we are being 'tortured' now. its beneficial, here and now.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God! Who may ascend the hill of the Lord, who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol! For in His presence there is fullness of joy, and at His right hand there are pleasures forevermore.

Yes, it is true, that we should have to give up sin, it is true that we have to give up our free time that we could be using to catch a little bit more of revision, watch another video clip, or some time chatting with friends. Or maybe even a bit of sleep. But all this, is but trading up second rate pleasure, for golden class joy- here, and now.

Better yet, it also holds eternal benefits as we glory in Christ our redeemer.

So, are we loving ourselves enough, to be disciplined in our walk with God, and being strict with how we conduct ourselves in godliness?

are you?

came at10:44 PM
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

An interesting thing i confirmed about myself in clic!

How to irritate an introvert:

1. Tell an introvert to be more social.
If you really want to annoy and even alienate your introvert friend or loved one you should force them to be social by telling them that they have to be more social. You should also mention that being social is what is expected of normal people.
Introverts prefer most of the time to stay at home reading a book or creating something than going out with a bunch of people at the pub. It’s not that an introvert doesn’t want to be with you, but more that he/she wants to be by him/herself instead. Introverts “recharge” by being by themselves.

2. Tell an introvert to talk more.
If you want an introvert to never talk to you again you should let them know that they should talk more and try to include them in every conversation.
Introverts tend to stick to the facts and what is practical. If you ask an introvert how the weather is, you will be either be given a short answer like: “The weather is okay”; or they will give a an explanation you would expect from a meteorologist.
Introverts love talking about their field of interest; but they have no interest in talking about something they have no interest in. When it comes to small talk introverts really don’t see the point of it; as it has no practical use to them.

3. Don’t let introverts join the conversation.
Keep in mind, it’s you who matters and if you let people speak you have lost! So don’t let any one speak or always interrupt people when speaking; especially if they are introverts. As introverts are really annoyed by this.
Introverts tend to be thinkers and very aware of themselves, therefore they prefer to think before they speak so they can present their view the best way. That is also why most introverts never join a conversation as people who are mostly extroverted tend to speak non-stop and has some strange phobia towards a few seconds silence in a conversation. Extroverts tend to “fight” to get a word in between each other, making introverts see it as a waste of time and effort.
Introvert also dislike being interrupted when they are speaking. As they are thinkers some of what they say is something they have spent some time thinking about, so interrupting them can actually be very rude and hurtful.

4. Tell an introvert that this is fun.
If you find something very fun you should force an introvert to do it and tell him/her it is fun. And if they ask why it is fun, just let them know it’s fun because you say so and everyone else does it. Introverts hate being forced to do things.
As mentioned, introverts are very aware of who they are and what they like. Telling an introvert that he/she should do this and that because that is expected, normal, nice and such rarely sounds logical to them, and is also a great way to alienate them. Introverts grow up by being told constantly they are strange, not normal, shy, not social and many other negatively loaded words and that they should change; they really don’t need to be told this any more. Telling someone who is actually normal to constantly change is extremely rude and selfish.

5. Tell an introvert to stop being so honest.
If you want to insult and confuse an introvert you should tell him/her that they should stop being so honest.
Introverts are thinkers and focus on facts. If something is green, it is green; simple as that. It’s not that introverts are selfish or lacking empathy, they look at the world as it is. They tend to be very logical beings and prefer to be honest than lie about something. If you can’t handle the truth, don’t ask an introvert for it; because you will for sure get an honest answer. And it’s not our fault you can’t handle it.

6. Don’t let an introvert read his/her book in peace.
If you see an introvert working on something or reading a book, go bother them as that will really annoy them.
As you read earlier, introverts needs time alone and solitude to “recharge” and to be happy. When they go into that state of mind they should never ever be bothered. There’s nothing more annoying to having to read a sentence 10 times, lose your focus when creating something or just losing focus in general because someone can’t relax their lips for a few minutes. Doing this to an introvert is like getting woken up in the middle of the night when you are sleeping. I’m pretty sure most of you don’t want your sleep to be disturbed. Same goes for an introverts alone time, we don’t want to be bothered. The more you let an introvert be by him/herself, the less they have to take mini breaks and they are more likely to spend time with you.

7. Let the introvert know what they are doing is a waste of time.
What ever they are doing, reading, creating or what not, let them know that it is a waste of time.
As with most things introverts do, it is very important to them. For the observer it might look strange, but for the introvert it makes perfect sense. Telling them what they are doing is childish and useless is like telling them they have no purpose in life. If what they are doing is not hurting anyone, let them do it. Just because they aren’t out binge drinking doesn’t mean they are not having fun. And what do you know, this might be their break through in life.

Okay, so maybe not everything above is true about me, cause i may not be an extreme introvert, but it was a good, fun read!

In conclusion, i am an introvert. :)

came at7:08 PM
Sunday, June 5, 2011

the result of having much on my mind, much to iron out, yet finding myself being short of time. - a vexed rant.

you know whats the problem with the way our society is today? everything's too competitive, that makes everything too fast-paced, that makes everything so rushed that deceives man into thinking we have no time for prayer and definitely no time for serious meditation of God's word, all in all making emphasis on prayer so so low. resulting in spiritually drained men, ineffective ministry, lack of solid faith built on sound theology and much much more, only resulting in a vicious cycle:( we need prayer, more than ever before.

came at11:20 PM
Friday, January 14, 2011

oh what a lovely new skin :D

came at10:55 PM
Friday, December 31, 2010


Boy i feel like crying.

i hate year ends. i really do. its just this thing about leaving years. I just read through my whole blog, especially for the past whole year, God has been so very faithful in teaching me about Him, and picking me up each time i fall!

As this year comes to a close, Lord i lift it up to you. As i embark on a new year, let the things i have learnt not be forgotten, let me encounter you in a new way, Lord will you lead me on, and go before me! All this i pray in Jesus name, Amen!

came at2:32 PM

When i was typing out the title, the suggested one(from previous posts) was God in our studying, and then i realised, God is really taking me on a journey here.

God in our everything. What does that truly mean? Recently i found myself compartmentalizing my life, something i thought i would never do! For that instant, it was as if i thought to myself, God is irrelevant in this issue. What a grave mistake.

You know how sometimes, we pray when we are making big decisions regarding ministry or church, or even when we making any big decisions, when we are stuck in a life crisis, but how often do we pray truly in all circumstances, as we study, as we eat, as we go about doing the mundane things of life? For me personally, i've cultivated the habit of praying whenever im alone with nothing to do, like when im walking alone, traveling, in the shower and even when taking a crap! So i would be the last person i would think to be guilty of compartmentalizing my life from God, but lo and behold, he has been faithful and has shown me how!

For even that instant where i did not think of committing everything in prayer, for not acknowledging or realising Your sovereignty over it, Lord forgive me! Help me to know always that You are Sovereign, You are Love, You are Wise!

What a privilege to carry,
everything thing to God in Prayer!

came at12:38 PM

Welcome (:

God's Child.

I am a God fearing young man!


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